
Roeland Luyten (Bélgica, 1977) es un compositor de música electroacústica. Tuvo su primer contacto con el sonido electrónico gracias a las películas de ciencia ficción y terror que solía ver en su juventud. Comenzó sus estudios de flauta a los 8 años en el Conservatorio de Lovaina y, más tarde, estudió guitarra eléctrica y experimentó con efectos de pedales. Continuó sus estudios de flauta en el Real Conservatorio de Amberes, donde tomó clases de composición electroacústica con el Prof. Joris De Laet. Desde entonces, Roeland ha seguido componiendo en este género y también compone música para teatro y danza, además de trabajar como ingeniero de sonido. Ha ganado varios premios por su música.
- 2024: Second prize in the XVI Acousmatic Music Composition Competition Destellos 2024 of the Foundation Destellos (Argentina) for the work “Gritscape“.
- 2023: Selected on MA/IN 2023, international electroacoustic music festival Matera Intermedia in Matera, Italy for the work “Gritscape”.
- 2018: First prize & Public prize (ex aequo) in the “10th biennial acousmatic composition competition Métamorphoses 2018” of Musiques & Recherches (Belgium) with the composition “Knars”
- 2017: Jury member for the “10th International Competition of Electroacoustic Music Composition of The Foundation Destellos” (Argentina).
- 2017: Selected on BEAST FEaST 2017, the international electroacoustic music festival in Birmingham, United Kingdom for the piece “Helena”.
- 2016: Selected on MA/IN 2016, international electroacoustic music festival Matera Intermedia in Matera, Italy for the work “Helena”.
- 2014: First prize in the “7th International Competition of Electroacoustic Music Composition, Category Acousmatic, of The Foundation Destellos” (Argentina) for the work “Helena“.
- 2014: Finalist at the “Electro-acoustic music” section of the international composition competition “Città di Udine” – Tenth Edition (2014) – TEM, (Italy) for the composition “Helena“.
- 2014: Special mention at the “8th Biennial Acousmatic Composition Competition Métamorphoses 2014” of Musiques & Recherches for the piece “Helena“.
- 2012: Nominated in the “5th International Competition of Electroacoustic Composition and Visual-music” of the Foundation Destellos in Buenos Aires, Argentinië for his work “INERT”.
- 2010: Finalist at the “8th International Competition for Composers “Città di Udine” – Tenth Edition (2014) – TEM” in Italy for the work “Hooks”.
- 2010: Special mention at the “6th Biennial Acousmatic Composition Competition Métamorphoses 2014” of Musiques & Recherches for the piece “Hooks”.
- 2005: Third prize at the “5th International Computer Music Competition, Pierre Schaeffer 2005” in Italy for the piece “Decyclage”.
- 2005: Composition commission by the Flemish Community provided by Logos Foundation in Ghent.
- 2004: Nomination in the category of multimedia on the “31ème Concours International de Musique et d’Art Sonore Electroacoustique” at Bourges (France) for the music of the dance performance “roest”, a production of VZW Kwaadbloed.